Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Grizzlies face first road-trip test

by Sharie Epp of the Victoria Times Colonist

"I think the boys were really nervous about playing a No. 1 team that had scored that many goals," Penney said. "Derek Lee is going to be a top level draft pick, and I think they were a bit mesmerized by him, and all the scouts in the stands." "In the second half, we put all that aside." Salmon Arm whipped out to a 6-1 lead, before the Grizzlies settled down and made a game of it.

"He's so much for the team, he wants to be that guy," said Penney, comparing Nugent's attitude to that of gritty former NHL star Rick Tocchet. This year, the feisty forward has taken some time to reconcile his natural edginess with the added responsibility and pressure of scoring goals. "I think he really brought his game back to another level." "He's going to score goals if he plays like that." On the road, Nugent, quite a prankster, is likely to be in the middle of things, both on the bus and on the ice. And if all goes well, the Grizzlies should return a better team than when they left.


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