Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Vees crack Top 100 list

by David Crompton of the Penticton Herald

The Vees historic triumph in Krefeld, West Germany March 6, 1955 certainly fit the criteria.

When the World Championship started in late February of that year, the Vees, Canada’’s representatives, were expected not just to win gold but to restore pride to a nation that had been humiliated on the international stage the previous year for the first time in 35 years of participation. In 1954, the Soviets played in their first World Championship claiming the gold medal ahead of the Canadians.

All of Canada had a year to wait for revenge. As the tournament progressed, the games went according to form: for every Canadian win, the Soviets also won.

On that final night, in Krefeld, the Canadians did, indeed, reclaim what they felt was rightfully theirs, hammering the Soviets, 5-0.


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